Guide to UV Measurement
Note to Users
The Guide to UV Measurement is intended to provide general guideline for measuring the output of UV sources. The guidance is based on typical industry experience but is not intended to be either exhaustive or inclusive of all pertinent requirements. The information provided in this Guide is offered in good faith and believed to be reliable, but is made WITHOUT WARRANTY, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED AS TO FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PRODUCT, APPLICATION, PURPOSE, OR ANY OTHER MATTER.
The guidelines provided and the examples included are not intended to be directed to any particular product, nor are they claimed to satisfy all current legal requirements related to control of materials or processing operations. Following this guide does not guarantee compliance with any regulation nor safe operation of processing facilities. Users are cautioned that the information upon which this guide is based is subject to change that may invalidate any or all of the comments contained herein. This guide is not intended to provide specific advice, legal or otherwise, concerning particular products or processes. In designing and operating processing lines, users of this guide should consult with their own technical and legal advisors. their suppliers, Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) and other appropriate sources including but not limited to product or package labels, technical bulletins, or sales literature which contains information about Know an reasonably foreseeable health and safety risks.
RadTech International of North America does not assume any responsibility for the user's compliance with any applicable laws and regulations, nor for any persons relying on the information contained in this guide.
RadTech International of North America is the non-profit trade association for uv & EB technology.